James Wood team photo after defeating Grafton for the VHSL Class 4 girls volleyball state title

on November 19, 2022 at VCU Siegel Center.



The James Wood Colonels Volleyball team defeated Grafton out of Yorktown, Virginia to capture the first title in program history this past Saturday at The Siegel Center in Richmond Virginia.

In doing so, they join the 1970 Colonels football team along with the 2002 boys cross country team as state title winners in James Wood High School history.

Grafton has appeared in the past five class four state title matches, all falling as the runner up.

When asked about the preparation going into this match, “We tried to keep as much of our normal routine the same” said Adrienne Patrick in her third season as head coach for the Colonels as they swept Grafton 25-19, 25-19, 25-16.

Freshman Kennedy Spaid had a game high 15 kills and Brenna Corbin had 12 kills for the Colonels, Spaid also contributed with three aces in a row for a game total of 11 and also led in digs for James Wood; “Their ability to play volleyball at a high level is tremendous” Patrick added about Spaid and Corbin.

Other key contributors for the Colonels included Ashlynn Spence with six kills in the middle and Ella Kelchner had four blocks, The Colonels play their best as a “full family unit, high energy” Patrick added when talking about Spence and her six kills in the match along with various points throughout the match.

The Colonels had a perfect regular season of 20 wins and no losses after last season finishing 17-7 and losing to Loudoun County a ten time state champion volleyball program won the past five state championship matches.

This season started with the Colonels hosting Loudoun County and beating them in three sets “it set the bar high for us” when coach Patrick was discussing the regular season for James Wood after the victory against Loudoun County, the Colonels also defeated Williamsport who was the Maryland state champion last season and North Hagerstown who claimed the Maryland state championship this season along with defeating crosstown rival Millbrook in the regular season “those big wins against really tough teams were able to prepare us for Saturday” Patrick said.

VHSL Class 4 Tournament Bracket.

Throughout the regular season, the team had a motto “Make History” a board was made with that phrase on it that the team took with them to every game, “the group of girls I was able to have on the team this year, they had what it took to make history, and they did” Patrick mentioned when asked about the team motto.

The Colonels Volleyball team had numerous All-District and All-Region awards, listed below:

Head Coach Adrienne Patrick was awarded both Northwestern District and Region 4C Coach of the Year.

The Northwestern All-District first team included: Carsyn Vincent, Kennedy Spaid, Brenna Corbin and Paige Ahakuelo

Northwestern All-District second team: Lexi Taylor and Hannah McCullough

All-Region 4C First Team: Brenna Corbin and Kennedy Spaid

All-Region 4C Second Team: Carsyn Vincent and Paige Ahakuelo.


The entire interview with James Wood Girls Volleyball Head Coach Adrienne Patrick and Josh Kirby of News Talk 1400 is available here: