6 – 6:30 am (Sundays)

Lowman Henry hosts American Radio Journal, covering topics from tax reform to health care the debate over public policies that affect the lives of every American are running red hot in Washington, D.C.

ARJ keeps listeners fully informed on this rapidly changing landscape.

American Radio Journal is a weekly half hour public affairs program that cuts through the clutter of the 24/7 news cycle informing and educating listeners on the key issues of the day. While the program primarily concentrates on national economic issues, also covering significant foreign affairs developments and occasionally pressing social issues.

American Radio Journal is produced and distributed by the Lincoln Institute of Public Opinion Research, Inc., a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania-based nonprofit public affairs organization that providing quality public affairs programming for over 20 years.

As the host of American Radio Journal, Henry begins each edition with a Newsmaker interview including, elected officials, top scholars at some of the nation’s leading think tanks, along with conservative journalists and columnists.

Our Newsmaker interviews are followed by a weekly Real Story report from Scott Parkinson at the Club for Growth giving us the inside scoop on what is happing at the U.S. Capitol and keeping tabs on key political races across the nation. Eric Boehm from Reason magazine contributes a thoughtful, in-depth report on vital public policy issues for each edition of our program. We also benefit from the insightful commentaries of Colin Hanna at Let Freedom Ring, USA; Dr. Paul Kengor from Grove City College, and Jonathan Williams.

The Lincoln Institute has a 20-year track record of producing public affairs programming including American Radio Journal which debuted in 2007 and has grown into a network of over 200 stations in 45 states across the country.  To learn more about the Lincoln Institute of Public Opinion Research you may visit our web site at www.lincolninstitute.org.

The Lincoln Institute of Public Opinion Research, Inc., is a 501c3 nonprofit educational foundation based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The Lincoln Institute is completely funded by contributions from philanthropic grant-making foundations and individuals. The institute is registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organization. (Registration does not imply endorsement.)